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Completed Projects

  • Industrial


  • Caclvary Baptist School Classroom Project (details)

  • Awak Elementary School Classroom Project (details)

  • Kolonia Elemetary School Classroom Project (details)

  • Madolenihmw High School Classroom Project (details)

  • Catholic Mission Elementary School Three Classroom Project (details)

  • Spanish Wall park Softball Field Project (details)

  • Pohnpei State Hospital Trauma/Emergency Room (details)

  • Pohnpei State Emergency Center Project (details)

  • National Public Auditor Office Project (details)

  • Palikir Softball Park (details)

  • Nett District Park : Phase II (details)

  • Nett District Park: Phase I (details)

  • Sokehs Pah Road Construction Project Phase II (details)

  • Sokehs Pah Road Construction Project: Pahse I (details)

  • Tomwara Road Construction Project: Phase II (details)

  • Nanpil Road Construction (details)

  • Meitik Road Construction (details)

  • Nanpil Road Construction (details)

  • Lehn Diadi Bridge Construction Project (details)

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